Services to Fit Your Need
Let us help tailor a plan of care for your loved one that centers around improving and maintaining their health without compromising their quality of life!

Annual Checkups
Regular checkups can help find potential health issues and increase chances of early detection

COVID-19 Symptom Screening
Given the state of large medical institutions dealing with COVID-19 patients, we screen for symptoms from the comfort of your home

EVV (Electronic Visit Verifications)
Our secure verification method to document home healthcare visits with your loved one

Vital Sign Recording
Obtaining vital signs of our clients allows us to obtain basic indicators of their health status

Companion, Sitter, and Respite Care
We aim to support our clients so they have the care and support needed to have an excellent quality of life

Assistance with Daily Living Activities
The personal tasks typically done in daily living which require additional or complete assistance for our clients

Meal Assistance
Eating meals according to an individuals health conditions can provide additional support physically and strengthen the body
In-home Visits
Our belief is that providing personalized health care based on supporting medical diagnosis is foundational to an individuals treatment. We offer in-home aide services to put forth an effort to decrease the institutionalization of the clients. Through our service, we enable clients to adapt to more effective behaviors and expand their capability when receiving care. Providing care for a family member or loved one does not have to be difficult.

24/7 Access to Expert Help
Our 24/7 support hotline will provide around-the-clock assistance is serviced with well-qualified staff. Our team is thoroughly experienced and have backgrounds in in-home personal care. Amaris supports its team members professional development with resources and opportunities for continual education. The Amaris Home Care team foster a climate of integrity, trust, and cooperation amongst all employees in the agency.
Get Started With Amaris Today

(984) 244-0226
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